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South is the province with the largest number of ethnic, apart from the Han, is inhabited by 26 people and the minority population of the province accounted for nearly one-third of the total population. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can enjoy the national and culture and nowhere else
Flowers of the town: Yunnan is known as "Kingdom of plants" said. Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, Primula, camellia, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, let alone the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan eight flowers: camellias, azaleas, Magnolia, primrose, lily flower, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, here is an ocean of flowers. Mountain bamboo forests, lush bamboo shoots.
Karst: Eastern Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of erosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area.
Tropical rain forest: Xishuangbanna is located in the northern regression line to the south edge of the tropical north, the tropical monsoon climate, year-round warm, sunny, rainy and humid is Tropic of cancer of the earth desert line with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is the most complete, the most typical, area of the largest area, is now the earth on rare animal and plant gene pool, was hailed as one of the earth's natural wonders.
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