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  1. 关于兰州名胜古迹的英语作文50词
  2. 兰州旅游景点的英语介绍
  3. 兰州有哪些名胜古迹用英语怎么说
  4. 麻烦帮我写一片介绍兰州的英语作文 150-200字即可
  5. 兰州旅游景点介绍英语作文 兰州一日游英语作文


白塔山公园 Baita mountain park is located on the north bank of the Yellow River in lanzhou city.(白塔山公园位于兰州市黄河北岸的白塔山上,因山头有一元代白塔而得名。

有关嘉峪关的风景名胜和旅游景点的英语作文,大约100字左右。Jiayuguan Pass is the first pass at the west end ofthe Great Wall of China and was built during theMing Dynasty.嘉峪关是长城西端的终点第一关,建在明朝。

the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I;ve kept the umbrella。

My hometown in lanzhou. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。


白塔山公园 Baita mountain park is located on the north bank of the Yellow River in lanzhou city.(白塔山公园位于兰州市黄河北岸的白塔山上,因山头有一元代白塔而得名。


作文如下:My hometown is in lanzhou, beautiful scenerya beautiful WuQuan mountain and BaiDaShan.我的家乡在兰州,风景秀丽,有美丽的五泉山和白大山。


白塔山公园 Baita mountain park is located on the north bank of the Yellow River in lanzhou city.(白塔山公园位于兰州市黄河北岸的白塔山上,因山头有一元代白塔而得名。

名胜古迹”的英语是:place of interest place的意思是场所、地方。而interest作名词,意为“兴趣”时,连在一起就是感兴许的场所,在英语中翻译为名胜古迹。

中国名胜古迹英文:十三陵The Ming Tombs。雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery。秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang;s Tomb。天安门广场Tian;anmen Square。中国的万里长城the Great Wall。

place 读音:英 [ples]     美 [ples]释义:n. 地方;地位;职位;获奖的名次。v. 将(某物)放置;安排;订货;寄托;辨认;获得名次。

the mother...I love my hometown,and you?(大家好,我来自兰州,那里是我的家乡,那儿很美丽,盛产百合,牛肉面是这里的特色,酿皮子也是,这里还有名胜古迹:中山桥,黄河母亲...。

4、麻烦帮我写一片介绍兰州的英语作文 150-200字即可

作文如下:My hometown is in lanzhou, beautiful scenerya beautiful WuQuan mountain and BaiDaShan.我的家乡在兰州,风景秀丽,有美丽的五泉山和白大山。

famous all over the world, very tasty, come must eat a bowl of 。我的家在兰州,黄河在我们城市里穿过,成了独特而美丽的城市景观。兰州是著名的瓜果城,产出的瓜又香又甜。

5、兰州旅游景点介绍英语作文 兰州一日游英语作文


Bapanxia tourism resort is located in lanzhou city, the most western end of the Yellow River upstream bapanxia reservoir, the water is vast.(八盘峡旅游度假区位于兰州市黄河上游最西端的八盘峡水库,水面广阔。

有关嘉峪关的风景名胜和旅游景点的英语作文,大约100字左右。Jiayuguan Pass is the first pass at the west end ofthe Great Wall of China and was built during theMing Dynasty.嘉峪关是长城西端的终点第一关,建在明朝。

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